Actress Milly Shapiro, who plays the troubled teenager Charlie Graham in the acclaimed horror hit, Hereditary by

Emily Soto, Photographer

Rachel Gilman, Stylist

Linda Gradin, Makeup

Sirsa, Hair

What is your favorite color?

Picking a favorite color has always been really hard for me for some reason but I'd probably have to choose either purple the color of royalty or green which is my Slytherin Harry Potter house color.

You were featured in one of the scariest, most iconic movies of all time. What scares you in real life?
There's only a few things that scare me in real life, Clowns, People in bunny suits for some reason and getting my blood taken.

If you could play any character in any movie, past or present, who would you play?

If I could play any character it would probably be Alice from Alice in Wonderland (2010) or play Barbie in literally any Barbie movie because those stories are some of the things that inspired me the most as a kid and made me believe I could achieve the impossible and believe that the possible existed 

Can you describe your favorite moment you experienced on the set of Hereditary? 

I think my favorite moment that I experienced on the hereditary set was when we filmed the iconic decapitation sequence because it was so much fun to do and it was super late at night like midnight to three in the morning and I got to see my decapitated heads and it was just a really fulfilling moment for me

If you could have dinner with anyone (passed on or alive) who would invite over for spaghetti? 

I think if I could have dinner with anyone it would probably have to be Lewis Carroll because I would want to see what inspired him to write Alice in Wonderland because I don’t think anyone’s quite sure and there’s so many different points of view of why it was written or the type of person he was. it would be interesting to see what he was really like because what he wrote inspired so many people. 

Which Broadway role would you love to play?

If I could play any Broadway role it would probably be Alice Spencer in Alice by heart it is one of my favorite shows it’s like a mix between the book thief, Alice in Wonderland and spring awakening and I would love to play that role

What’s the most challenging part about acting for you? The most rewarding? 

I think the most challenging part about acting for me is figuring out the character but once I do that it’s so easy to just step in and be that new person that it’s one of the most rewarding things

Why is Kermit your favorite muppet? 

I think Kermit is my favorite muppet because he is very relatable, and funny. Also he has great meme’s and we all love a good meme.

If you were stuck on a desert island what one food item would you request if you had to chose just one to eat every single day? 

If I was stuck on a desert island and could only request one food item to eat every single day it would probably have to be clementines as my friends can attest to I eat an ungodly amount of clementines it’s terrifying

What’s your absolute favorite song? 

Right now I think my absolute favorite song is green by Cavetown but it changes all the time. I think my absolute favorite song for the longest time was hey there Delilah.